Member-only story
Narcissists Claiming To Be Empaths & Three Methods To Uncover The Truth

There is a special kind of Narcissist, often referred to as the “Covert Narcissist” that only loosely appears as a typical, garden variety pathological Narcissist. These are the hyper sensitive and perceptive Narcissists. This Narcissist does a heck of a lot of image management, and is usually extremely strategic in how to make their self look virtuous, generous, caring, and loving. This type of Narcissist is aware of their ability to be hurt and wounded, and knows they have some level of early childhood trauma they walk around with. They are particularly self-protective and hide behind their “boundaries”, which are a complex set of defenses, hoops to jump through, and requirements others should meet, before they “trust” you and will get close to you.
This type of Narcissist is usually very smart, and will search for an intellectual understanding of why they feel so harmed by the world, and also look for greater understanding in psychology and spirituality, as a beacon of insulation from accountability for their relationship dramas and overall accountability.